- Willoughby, Teena, and Eileen Wood. Children's learning in a digital world . Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub., 2008. Print. Chapter 3: How and What Do Video Games teach?
" Videogames may also produce different types and amounts of learning depending on whether they focus on drill-and -practice of factual information, or simulations which model reality" pg 66
This quote suggests that video games provide a learning experience to the audience.
"playing videogames can produce positive outcomes, such as increased persisitance at difficult tasks" pg 64
This quotation shows that video games can have positive outcomes as the audience are challenged to an extent
" Videogames can produce positive effects (e.g. improved perceptual motor skills) even if there was never any intention of producing such an effect". pg 71
This quote suggests that video games may develop skills which are beneficial to their life.
" Videogames can also offer clear objectives, which are especially appealing because these goals can be adapted to the skills and knowledge of the player." pg 71
The fact that video games have clear goals enable players to try and fulfill goals.
" The use of naturally attention grabbing stimuli and adaptable goals can help ensure that a videogame has a person's attention, which increases the person's attention from it." pg 71
This quote shows how videogaming institutions use attention grabbing features and higher ranking points objects which cause the player to make the person addicted to the game.
" By the early 1980s... US consumers were spending more on home and arcade video games ($11 billion) than they were on music and movies put together." (Parratt and Wadham 1999:2) pg 139
This quotation suggests that the foundation of video games led to more people wanting to buy games. Gaming was now leveled with other entertainment such as TV and Music.
" The culture of video games is heavily orientated to the individual competition and extraterrestrial warfare, destruction of the planet and a science fiction escape from its consequences". pg 139
This quote suggests that violent video games are solely based around fighting and being able to escape to a world where you have the ability to do anything.
" Violence is not just a feature of video game culture. Violence is... everywhere. You can't avoid it. We can plug into violence on television, popular film, the Internet, radio, advertisements, brochures, magazines, newspapers, novels, theatre, MTV..." pg 142
Interestingly, this quote suggests that violence is instilled in all forms of media and that people seem to be desensitised to violence due to seeing violence in the media on a daily basis.
" Various commentators have pointed out that the incessant drive for profits has sometimes meant that companies have failed to consider the possible impact of increasing realistic violence on people who have bought their games". pg 140
In many ways, the institutions seem to ignore the effects the games have on the audience and seem to continue making games which are more violent, as they get huge profits from catering to a mass male audience.
- Gunter, Barrie. The effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998. Print.
"The vehemence of concerns about video games stems not simply from the fact that some of them have violent themes, which makes them no different from other popular entertainment media such as movies and television, but perhaps more significantly from the fact that these games engage their players in a much more involving way than other current media form." pg 7
This quote suggests that video games allow audiences to interact more with the text than other mediums such as television and movies
"Invariably such stories include a call for tighter censorship of video games and assume as proven that such games are invariably bad for children and teenagers who play them, primarily because they have the power to change young people's personalities and value systems for the worse". pg 7
In effect this quote implies that video games change the audience's mind and seemingly corrupt teenagers who play these games.
"Yet seldom do such critics present any conclusive evidence to back up the accusations they level against video games" pg 8
Moreover, this quote suggests that a lack of evidence is to blame for insufficient evidence which backs up the idea that video games carry a physical concern
"Research has also surfaced to show that video games engage young people's minds in such as way that they may help to cultivate important new cognitive skills, which enable children and teenagers to process information more effectively than older generations.." pg 8
Though, this quote suggests that these video games teach new skills to players and make them more intelligent than older generations
"Video game play is interactive, whereas television viewing is physically passive" pg 12
This quote suggests that video game playing allows audience interaction, whereas other platforms don't seem to allow that much participation.
"Addiction to video games may be like any other form of addictive behaviour. Players feel compelled constantly to be involved with these games and may display a lack of interest in other activities" pg 18
Interestingly, this quotation suggests that video games may result in players being lazy due to playing the games for a long time, therefore may not be involved in other activities
"The kinds of activities involved in playing video games, it is argued by some can promote eye hand coordination or teach specific skills in spatial visualization or mathematics". pg 22
Video games are seemingly positive in their own right as they teach useful motoring skills which can benefit the audience.
"Children look for video games that offer an intellectual challenge. Most games have varying levels of difficulty and children look to mastering one level and move on to a more challenging level." pg 27
This quote shows that video games are programmed to have levels of difficulty, where players seem to improve in difficulty as they go along.
"Not only did the games preoccupy their time, they also frequently exposed youngsters to and involved them actively in antisocial and violent themes giving rise to worries about unwanted behavioural effects." pg 27
This quote suggests that violent video games are a concern, as the audience are vulnerable to content which could affect them and corrupt them, e.g. drug use in games such as Grand Theft Auto.
- Newman, James. Playing with videogames . New York: Routledge, 2008. Print.
" Videogame players play in isolation because videogames are ultimately a lonely medium." pg 5
This quote shows that video games seem to be a lonely experience as the players don't interact with other players when not playing online and seem to be fixated on playing on their own
"This criticism centres on the fact that the video game is an utterly inconsequential activity that neither requires nor develops imagination." pg 5
In accordance to the 'Dumbing Down' theory, video games don't seem to teach the players any useful skills and are mostly focused on violence.
"Pleasures and rewards are offered in spoon fed fashion and with immediate effect for instant gratification." pg 6
By offering rewards and points, players are able to play longer and seem to be addicted to the games if they offer special items and can strengthen thier player in the game.
"... videogames are seen to exert a considerable hold over their players who play with an apparent unhealthy frequency and for lengthy periods of time." pg 6
This quote reinforces the idea that video games are a concern, as they cause addiction and result in the audience being unable to turn their attention away from the games.
" ... Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo with the DS, have embraced online play with the former companies building the facilities into the very fabric of their platform strategies." pg 24
The emergence of online modes have been integrated in gaming, with all of the main consoles integrating online features and opportunities for their customers to play online and build up points which go toward their reputation.
- Oppliger, Patrice A.. Wrestling and hypermasculinity . Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2004. Print.
" The active nature of video games gives players an opportunity to practice violent scripts" pg 89
This quotation shows that violent video games allow audiences to show the aggressive side in thier personality, with the graphics and reality depicted in the games offering this.
" Video games award points for "virtually perpetrated" violence. pg 89
This quote addresses the idea that points are given to the player for performing violent acts; which seems to desentise the audience to real violence, as the game endorses violence and doesn't prohibit it.
"... aggressive children may be drawn to violent video games and entertainment, which in turn increases thier aggression and causes them to want more exposure" pg 90
The result of playing more violent video games may make children more aggressive, therefore the exposure to new violent content may result in them wanting to play games which increase aggression
" Fantasizing and rehearsing the wrestling moves appears to either create, or at least reinforce, the aggressive attitudes and behaviors of children." pg 90
The exposure to violence in the media, for example wrestling may reinforce ideas that violence is acceptible and may result in children's behaviour becoming worse.
- Rosser, James. Playin' to win: a surgeon, scientist and parent examines the upside of video games. Garden City, NY: Morgan James Publishing, Llc, 2008. Print.
".... video games are simply an empowerment tool. It is what we do with them which makes them bad or good". pg 9
This quote suggests that video game management is the crucial fact or which determines whther they are bad or good.
"Males play approximately 15 hours a week and girls average 10 to 12 hours per week." pg 15
Interestingly, males tend to play more hours of video games than girls, as a moajority of the video games are focused on a male audience and feature titles which are aimed at males.
"A study of over 2,000 eight to 18 year olds found that 83 percent of them have at least one video game player in their home, 31 percent have three or more video game players in their home.." pg 15
This quote suggests that video games are a hugely successful industry, with more people admitting to having video games and consoles in their homes.
- Signorielli, Nancy. "violence in the media." Violence in the media: a reference handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 2005. 36, 37. Print.
"Today, most children play real-time, first- person shooter (FPS) games in which "the players view the world through the eyes of the video game character that they control".
This quote suggests that more people tend to play first person shooter games as the players themselves are involved in the action from first hand.
"The potential effects (and theoretical perspectives) of video games on aggression are similar to those of television violence."
In effect, the aggression generated from playing violent video games is similar to violence on platforms such as television and films, where action is instantaneous. Though, on television, the violence is similar, as children's shows such as Power Rangers are typically based around a conflict and the stereotypical binary opposition of good vs evil.
"... A recent meta analysis found that the overall effect of video game playing on aggression is considerably smaller than the effects of television violence, there is cause for concern because children are the primary users of this medium"
The fact that these games are aimed at children is potentially damaging, as children are easily influenced by what they see and could reenact this violence, as seen in television with wrestling and shows where violence is active.
" ... those who play video games become intentionally and actively involved in the action."
This quote suggests that violent video games are a concern, as their design and graphics are so real , that the player is actively involved in the game, as evident in Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, where the player has to complete missions in order to progress to the next level.
"... parents are even less likely to actively participate in video game playing and be relatively unaware of the kind of images seen in these games".
This quotation shows that violent video games are a concern, as parents don't understand or have any knowledge of what their children see when they are playing these games. In effect, parents may be unaware of the content of the games and the game ratings, as their children are mindlessly shooting people and are prone to expletives which may influence them. The fact that these games are more advanced may lead parents to be detached and unable to enjoy the games.
- Tapscott, Don. Grown up digital how the net generation is changing your world.. Concordville, Pa.: Soundview Executive Book Summaries ;, 2009. Print. Page 298
" Research on games suggests that video games might help players practice decision making." pg 290
This quote indicated that video games are beneficial, as they can teach players vital decision making skills which would be applicable in all walks of life.
" ... playing violent video games creates a significant risk factor for later aggressive and violent behaviour". pg 290
Though, this quote shows that playing violent games may result in aggressive behaviour in the long run.
" This is a cause for concern, especially when the video game Grand Theft Auto IV was such a mammoth hit when it launched in the spring of 2008... In the first week it was released, it sold $500 million worth of games- more than 11 of the top movies in the past 13 years made in the entire year of their release" pg 298
Effectively, this quote shows the success of GTA IV and the fact that it was one of the most successful video games, which succeeded the sales of more movies in that year.
- Vorderer, Peter, and Jennings Bryant. Playing video games: motives, responses, and consequences. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006. Print
"It has been argued that the aggressive content in video games could allow players to release their stress and aggression in a non destructive way, and, in fact, would have the effect of relaxing them". pg 349
This quote gives a positive look at video games, as they are not a concern , as they are an outlet for people to release their anger or stress. In this way, the audience can use violent games in effective ways to evoke their anger.
"We do know that playing violent video games show physiological effects that are different compared to playing less violent games or no games at all and that those effects may be even greater for children who already show aggressive tendencies". pg 352
This clearly suggests that violent video games are a concern, as they do result in the players developing aggressive thoughts. Though, these games are especially focused on the teenage audience, who could be injected with the belief that violence is normal. In addition, this quotation alludes to the fact that less violent games such as Need for Speed don't increase aggression in the audience, as the content is more interactive, as players can control cars, yet violent games increase aggression especially in teenagers, as they are prone to the ideologies of violence endorsed by the games.
"Violent media, for instance, may increase aggression by teaching observers how to behave aggressively, by priming aggressive cognitions, by increasing arousal and by creating an aggressive affective state." pg 354
On the whole, the violence in the media, across platforms such as broadcast and in films may enable the audience to become violent, as games such as Smack down vs RAW teaches audience complex and aggressive wrestling moves, which, may result in audiences copying these moves and potentially injuring or killing someone.
"It is believed that the unpleasant physiological arousal usually associated with violence inhibits thinking about violence, disregarding violence, or behaving violently: however , as a result of continuous exposure to violent depictions, individuals are no longer expected to have such reactions". pg 351
This quotation implies that the audience gradually become desensitized by playing violent video games on a constant basis. In effect, this may be damaging and a serious concern, as the teenage audience may be aroused by the content in games , but may not find violence as a serious concern.
"Regardless of the genre, video game playing requires some combination of cognitive and motor skills... the demands placed on the players can be taxing indeed. But for many teens, the demands are welcomed because they are the byproduct of what the games appealing in the first place: the opportunity to interact with the content". pg 170
In contrast, this quote relates to the hypothesis, as video games have some effective points, as they teach the audience vital motor and psychological skills. Though, the audience tend to play these games due to the graphics , as they are able to kill people and think on their feet in hostile situations.
- Wesley, David, and Gloria Barczak. Innovation and Marketing in the Video Game Industry: Avoiding the Performance Trap.. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2010. Print.
"Video games not only consume a large portion of our free time, they influence cultural trends, drive microprocessor development and help pilots and soldiers". pg 6
This quote shows that video games are not a concern, as they can help pilots and soldiers , therefore offer effective results
" Kids not only watch realistic characters spurting blood and pulling heads, spinal cords and beating hearts out of bodies, but they are creating mayhem and are rewarded with extra points for doing so." pg 7 (
Lieberman 1993)
"The video game manufacturers should recognise they've gone too far and agree to stop making games that portray extreme violence or sexual activity" pg 7 (
Lieberman 1993)
These quotes suggest that a need for regulating games should be imposed, as children can play games ans can be easily impressionable due to the content. Though, parents may feel a need to enforce the regulation on games which are too explicit, as they may potentially ' corrupt' children and make them more violent.
Rather than limiting sales, controversies often fueled demand for such games, as teens and older children flocked to stores to purchase mature rated games. pg 8
The fact that some video games are violent may lead audiences to purchse games in order to 'fit into the crowd' andalso to be daring by playing games which are above thier age group.
"An Australian study showed that "only children predisposed to aggression and more reactive to their environments changed their behaviour after playing violent video games, whereas normal individuals were unaffected". (
Sydney Morning Herald 2007).
This quotation suggests that playing video games are a concern, as they cause aggression and seem to change the audience's behaviour after a short term.
"A different problem was childhood obesity and diabetes, which according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), had reached epidemic levels in the United States, partly owing to video games and computer use". pg 8
Simialrly, the video games also carried health concerns, with teenagers being more addicted to the game and developing health problems such as poor eyesight and obesity.